The garden has been such a work in progress. We basically dug it all up and started from scratch again. My advice is this - never, EVER, plant palm trees. We removed about 15 palm trees from our yard and the result was a root system like I've never seen before. A bobcat was called in, a dump truck took away 8 cubic metres of tree roots and then delivered 8 cubic metres of fresh soil to start again.
So you can imagine my delight when finally - FINALLY - the garden has started to show signs of being happy again. My favourite flower is the gardenia, both for the appearance and the smell. Heavenly.

Before digging up the garden we managed to preserve a HUGE cycad. We kept it not only because it looks great in the garden but because, to replace, it would cost around $300! The poor cycad was extracted by a excavator and pushed to the side of the yard where it sat above the earth, clinging to life, with an old sheet wrapped around the root system for about 8 months. When our new garden bed was ready the cycad was dragged into place by a rope and a ute and planted.
A month ago I was despairing whether the bloody thing would ever be happy and grow; it was looking a little sick.

So when I saw THIS -

Happy days.
And as I surveyed the yard for more rubbish to take to the dump, my eyes fell upon the old bucket filled with dirt and weeds. It definitely had to go.
Until I saw this.

Oh, alright, it can stay for a bit longer.